Monday, 1 October 2012

Comic stuff. Issue 2!

After creating a layout for this comic idea, 
I thought I'd give it some milage and add other stuff to it.
A few sketches added to show similar ideas.
I have many more sketches, which I will post, if I push any to a finished level.

Thursday, 27 September 2012

Comics are cool.

This pretend comic cover I've created was inspired
by recent news of the British comic Dandy having a
decline in sales. When it comes to comics we don't have
anything like what America has or other countries.
Comics are ace and you cant beat buying a new comic
and gazing at all the cool art. Digital comics have their place
but it's not the same as a newly printed one.
Added to this, comics seem to have less action packed
comic strip art nowadays - replaced by puzzles and cheap
toys taped to the covers.

Monday, 30 July 2012

Some more nonsense

Not a great change from previous stuff.
I kinda like doing it though.

Tuesday, 3 July 2012

Stupendous Tech

Still have many more Stupid War doodles to finish up.
LavaLamp idea coming soon.

Tuesday, 22 May 2012

Zombie Soldier

Nick-named the "Space Cadet". Remote controlled Zombie. Simple, crazy and messy.
Used for tasks that are too dangerous for the soldier.

Sunday, 20 May 2012

Another mech to the collection

A new mech to the collection and a play-around with the graphics.

Saturday, 19 May 2012

Front-end graphic stuff

 Bit of fun with creating a front-end screen for this pretend game.
Choose weapon screen - why? Just because I have a gun graphic to use.
Like the simple flat graphic style will play around some more.

Friday, 18 May 2012

More tech for this pretend game idea.

A couple more stupidly awesome gizmo's and a look at a pretend options screen.

Sunday, 13 May 2012

Fantasy game idea

More finish here than the usual sketches. I've added the title
"Stupid Wars" to forge out a potential game idea.
This theme of daft weapons and chunky arcade style characters comes
and goes with my doodles. Thought I'd push the idea further.
A good excuse to create some more "stupidly" awesome tech.
Watch this space ...

Wednesday, 1 February 2012

More funny mech tech

Rough, lazy rendering. Haven't got the brain power to go in
with more detail etc. Would like to do a crisp line version eventually.

Friday, 20 January 2012

Rough sketches of mechs in the style of old cars.

It was suggested I should try the old car stuff in the mech theme.
Liking this idea. Need to thrash out more sketches - play with
shapes and form. I like the last one bottom right so far.